Do you have a Passport?

Did you know that there was a rumor going around the world (yes, I said the world!) that only 10% of U.S. Citizens hold passports?! Thankfully this has not been true for around twenty years. The last statistic tracked was 42% of Americans held passports in 2017. And, they predict this number to increase each year. While this is great news, we still fall far behind other countries. In the U.K. 76% of citizens have a passport and 66% of Canadians hold one.

If you watch the news you might never want to leave the U.S., but to put things in to perspective, did you know that other countries have a travel warning advising them against travel to the United States? The reality is that things can happen anywhere at any time! It’s more a matter of courage and the ability to get out of your comfort zone.

Even for an avid traveler like me I still get nervous, but my excitement for experiencing new places, meeting new people, seeing the world significantly outweighs any fear I might feel. And, if it is because you think international travel is more expensive, with travel deals all over the web, traveling abroad can be even less expensive than visiting cities within the states!

Scientists have proven that there are many health benefits to international travel:

  • Travel exposes us to different environments, which creates stronger antibodies and in turn boosts our immune system!
  • A Columbia Business School Professor, Adam Galinsky, has investigated and released several studies connecting international travel to our creativity. He says, “foreign experiences increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms.”
  • Furthermore, The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology clearly states that people who travel abroad are more open, emotionally stable, culturally aware, and experience an increase in cognitive flexibility.
  • Physically, most cities outside of the U.S. will get you walking much more than you do back home. Not to mention the increased motivation we have while traveling abroad to explore and trek around a new destination. We have a new outlook and we are not bogged down by our mundane daily routines – which in turn gives us more spirit and excitement.
  • While sightseeing around the world, your brain restores acetylcholine, which aids memory, and GABA, which reduces anxiety.
  • Obviously, we become more globally and culturally aware!
  • There’re more potential of visiting places with natural healing powers. Hot Springs – or, even a lake such as the one I visited in Guatemala, Lake Atitlan, which is a volcanic lake and said to have healing properties. Soaking in mineral-rich waters can improve your skin, relieve pain and stress, and increase longevity.
    I have walked Mayan ruins and felt an energy that I cannot quite explain. These heal, uplift & rejuvenate.
  • Studies prove that college students who study abroad excel academically compared to their peers who do not venture abroad.

Bottom line – travel! It is so good for you in so many ways. And, while there are many incredible, awe-inspiring sites to be seen around the United States, there is something very special about experiencing other countries, other cultures and meeting people across the globe. Those who travel tend to have a higher life expectancy…get your passport and start exploring!

Happy #wildbumming!


Did you know that there was a rumor going around the world (yes, I said the world!) that only 10% of U.S. Citizens hold passports?! Thankfully this has not been true for around twenty years. The last statistic tracked was 42% of Americans held passports in 2017. And, they predict this number to increase each…