Category: Health and Wellness

Women Empowering Women!

“As a woman I have no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.” – Virginia Woolf Prior to Wild Bum, I founded a business called Wildhive. I’ve blogged about it before – both share a common thread in that at their core lives play, adventure and community! Wildhive has always been very…

How I Beat the Winter Blues

This is not something I would typically write about, it’s very personal and affects me directly, but I believe it is a very important topic and worthy of being talked about. Recently I posted a poll on Instagram in regards to tips and tricks to beat the winter funk. The results were overwhelming, I am…

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

I have many clients that ask me how to maintain a healthy diet while traveling. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, it is easy to fall out of your routine, overeat or just simply make poor choices. With a little pre-planning, it is not difficult to stay on track. Preparation and mindfulness are…

Kids can have wanderlust too!

I recently wondered if my kids actually share our love for travel, as my husband and I do, or if they simply do it because it’s just what we do! The other day, out of the blue, I asked them if they love to travel and they immediately shouted, “Of course we do!”. In fact…

How to Adjust from Vacay – written by my kids

We returned home from two weeks in sunny Florida last night and as vacations go, it usually takes some transitioning to get back into “reality” or our normal routine…or as some refer to this phase as, “Post Vacation Blues”. We travel quite a bit, yet this is, and most likely, will always be a practice…

How to strengthen our immune system? Travel abroad!

There’s so much more to traveling abroad than what meets the eye! Sure, there are the the obvious: incredible sites, amazing food and cultural experiences galore, but have you ever thought about how stepping on new soil, embarking in new territory…whatever you want to call it…actually builds up our immune systems!? We think this is…